Monday, 30 July 2012

It is the little things in life that makes the difference...

[James 3:3-5] “We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth …In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches but a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.”
            “Little things achieved are better than big things planned” this statement is not to disregard planning for the future but rather to emphasise the necessity of time management in the present.  
            It is important to address the simpler tasks we get in life quickly so that we can see the bigger picture better. Someone once told me an analogy of when there is a little bee in a big room; until the bee is dealt with (hopefully in the most humane way possible) it is hard for one to concentrate.
            Jesus is the pinnacle of our lives, whatever we do out of Him we do in vain. He leads and guides us in all we do. “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have- Jesus Christ.” [1 Corinthians 3:11].
            Going back to James 3, if we liken our lives to the large horse, and Christ as the bit it shows us to scale how struggle free our lives should be. His Word-the light-the bit is all we need to steer our life in the right direction.
So we root ourselves in the Word consistently and diligently, we believe it and we live it. We make sure the master is in control. However said control is not a big overwhelming force over us once again referring back to the scale of struggle free the control is from the small bit.
            The more we deal with the little things in life the more natural our walk with Christ becomes; this way we are able to fully enjoy our lives and live it to the full.  

Sunday, 29 July 2012


"And Elisha prayed and said, Lord I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. 
 - 2 Kings 6:17


Everybody needs a miracle from time to time. I do; you do. Or we aren't going to make it. Completely surrounded by the enemy, Elisha and his young servant had to recourse but a miracle from God.

When the servant began to panic, Elisha prayed, " his eyes that he may see". And behold the young man saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. Angels of God...ready to bring a miracle!!

Open your mind to Jesus and tune in to miracles. This very moment there are all kinds of pictures swirling around you that you do not see. There are voices that you do not hear. Just because you can't see the pictures or hear the voices doesn't mean that they aren't there. All you need is a television or radio reciever and this world of hidden pictures and sounds opens up to you.

Jesus, the miracle-worker is all around you. Open your mind to Him and you will tune into miracles - the one you need!

This is a day of Miracles - expect one today!


Prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for being with me even when i fail to see you. Amen


C3: Cloverleaf Christian Centre

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...impacting our generation; feeding the spirit, mind & body...

Saturday, 28 July 2012


28th July 2012

"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest" - Ezekiel 3:15


The children of Israel went into Cannan to possess the land under the leadership of Joshua. They faced a seemingly impossible task - one which their parents had turned their back on. But the Lord repeatedly admonished them: "Fear not...Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt!...Don't ever be afraid or discouraged.

We are not much different today. When trouble comes - say, for instance, you lose your job - Fear says, "How can i provide for my family?" Or, your business is in trouble, Fear says "I'll just have to take bankrupcy". The doctor finds something wrong in your body. Fear says, "It's cancer".

Fear causes you to expect the worst, to look for more bad things to happen. God knows the fear you feel in the pit of your stomach and yet Jesus said, "Be not afraid, only believe." Jesus taught us to doubt our doubts, to reject our fears, and to believe our faith.

Impossible? No...for God doesn't tell you to do something you cannot do. When you feel fear it is time to take a stand. Many times when i have reached an impasse in my life i have had to tell myself "Paul believe! Believe!" I have had to discipline my mind by demanding that it believe God regardless of the circumstances.

Faith...believing a superior force over fear and it brings about miracles.

Expect a miracle today!


Prayer: Lord Jesus Help thou my unbleief. Amen


C3: Cloverleaf Christian Cenre

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...impacting our generation; feeding the spirit, mind & body...

Friday, 27 July 2012


27th July 2012
"I sat where they sat" - Ezekiel 3:15


Do you ever wonder if anyone has gone through the things that you go through? Do you sometimes feel as if you are utterly alone and nobody understands or cares?

One of the most marvelous things about Christ is His infinite capacity to feel what we feel, to experience what we experience. This is because He, like the Prophet Ezekiel, has sat where we sit. He has been there, and He is there now (Hebrews 4:15,16)

God is not off somehwre in the distance...a God by proxy. He loved man so much that He sent His son Jesus to earth in the form of a human being to walk among the people with problems and needs. God, through Jesus, got down where we are. He sat amidst the hurts and problems that invade your life. So now there is no distance between you and Him, or between the needs and His power to meet them.

Christ's plan for man was twofold: He would walk through life himself, and He would come back to walk us through it. To me that is a powerful thought...knowing that Jesus is by my side helping me through situations that He has already overcome!

His name is Emmanuel - God with us. Halleluyah!


Prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for being with me. Amen

C3: Cloverleaf Christian Centre

Find Us:
Follow Us: @fromcloverleaf

...impacting our generation; feeding the spirit, mind & body...

Thursday, 26 July 2012


26th July 2012

"Behold, my family is poor...and I am the least in my father's house" - Judges 6:15


Do you struggle with a sense of inadequacy? Do you feel that you just don't have sufficient resources for the job you are called to do? Gideon had this problem. The Lord called him to deliver His people from the oppression of the Midianites:

Go in this thy might, and thou shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites; have i not sent thee?

God's promises should have been enough for Gideon, but he was looking at himself and his own deficiencies. Gideon reasoned with the Lord that he was from a poor family. And being an unknown with no position, he felt he ws unqualified for such an awesome task

The Lord reassured Gideon:

Surely I will be with thee, and thou shall smite the Midianites as one man.

Just as Gideon became adequate for the task as he placed his trust in God, so God's promise that He has sent you and that He will be with you, is your divine adequacy. When you make God your source, He makes your inadequacies - whether in abilities, finances, resources, or health - more than adequate.

He is your sufficiency!


Prayer: Lord Jesus teach me to trust you. Amen


C3: Cloverleaf Christian Centre

Find Us:
Follow us: @ fromcloverleaf

...impacting our generation; feeding the spirit, mind & body...

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

What do you know? What do you believe?

[Romans 10:11]
                “As the scripture says, ‘anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame’”
Many know of Christ’s power but we struggle to grasp the full power because we do not believe. It is easy to know God can do ALL things but when trails comes it becomes evident who believes and who knows.
                One story that I am reminded of that highlights the difference between knowing and believing is that of the centurion in [Matthew 8:5-13]. The centurion knows what it means to have authority, being a man in authority himself he knows the power of a word, therefore he doesn’t doubt what the word of Jesus can do.
                This challenges me because I know that “We are children, we are heirs- heirs of God and Co-heirs with Christ” [Romans 8:17] also that the Holy Spirit is my deposit of great things to come in Christ [Ephesians 1:13-14], and [Galatians 3:26] tells that we are sons through our faith in Christ Jesus.  Yet I underperform in Christ.
                Knowledge is power but believe is the key to unlock this tremendous power. Believe even covers the things you do not know: the earth is sphere yet we believe we walk on a straight road.  
[Romans 10:8]
                “…The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, the word of faith we are proclaiming”
When trials come your way proclaim the WORD. Ignore the shape or form the trails takes it is irrelevant He “…will go before thee, and make crooked places straight…” Do not ponder on the things you see but on the things that you have by faith [Isaiah 45:2]. “For we walk by faith, not by sight” [2 Corinthians 5:7].
Faith believes what Christ has already done; In essence we underperform not necessarily because we do not know but because we do not believe all that we know. 

Thursday, 12 July 2012


With the Olympics around the corner again I think of one of my favourite events the men’s 100metres race.
I remember the day Usain Bolt set the world record for 100m, all the focus, energy and training he put in...  He started running and crossed the 100m mark in world record time!
Now I imagine if he ran in the opposite direction that day, the effort and all he puts in would have been the same; the only difference is his direction! This is how easy it is to go astray.
Not forgetting these things but for a moment forget laziness, forget distractions even forget sin! Imagine you were doing all you should be, but in the wrong direction, Maybe for the wrong reasons? Or without a pure heart? ….
The point is that if you are not running in the right direction with God it is all in vain!
[Matthew 7:22-23] “On the day of judgment many will call me their Lord. They will say, ‘We preached in your name, and in your name we forced out demons and worked many miracles.’  But I will tell them, ‘I will have nothing to do with you! Get out of my sight, you evil people!’”
Yesterday hearing thunder for the first time in a while and I was reminded of how my mum told me when I was little that when thunder strikes God is angry. So when I heard thunder strike and I would always get on my knees and pray for forgiveness.
Growing up I have come to learn that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. I have learnt that the fear of God guides us in the right direction in our daily lives.  In all we do we must fear God so that we do not go astray.