What are your dreams, plans, what are you capable of doing, what is written down in your book as a to do list? what is hindering you from accomplishing these things?
Jer 1:4-7: Before God Began with you He had finished
it already. You were born what God has ordained you to be who you are meant to
be.When you start out to do things, make sure
that in your mind you have finished it. That way you can arrive at your goals
easily. You are aware of what the finished product looks like so you can drive
towards it.
But don't just write it down and finish it in your mind, everyone has dream and want to accomplish those
dreams and even though they might be finished in our mind but only few dreams are made reality and this only happens when
we put hard work into it.
We are judged by what we do not our dreams.
We are remembered for our deeds and not our dreams.
There is no need for laziness as the fruit
of laziness could always be better as hard work could sweeten it.
What is the difference between the two men?
One worked and the other did not and so the foundation of the house was based
on the doing. Everything we accomplish in life is on the foundation of our
We always have many ideas and any time we see
what we thought we could do done by something else it hurts,but we are not in that person shoes because we did not do. We shouldn't just be big thinkers but big doers.
James 1:22-24: we are not supposed to be
just hearers or speakers or dreamers but be doers. We deceive ourselves when we
do not take action on hearings, saying or dreams. We hear a lot of good
messages but nothing happens until we started putting them into practice. It is a
foolish action to hear, speak or dream without putting in work, the
previous action was simply a waste of time.
Laziness is the greatest hindrance and
sometime we confuse faith for laziness. We always say it is well when there is
room to apply work e.g. we are looking for jobs but we can’t expect to find a
job until we start applying. We cannot replace the place for action with the
sentiment that the job will fall in our laps, that is not faith.
Being excellent requires focus but also hard
work, set your sights on what you want to do and apply work.
The place for work in the scripture
James 2:17: Faith without work is dead
Hebrews 11:6. Yes without faith it is
impossible to please God, but work actualises faith.
Gen 2:5-7 God created man to work the
John 5:17 Even God is working, so much so
The place for work in a story.
Michael Angelo was a sculptor. He was
around at the time where he was when another artist Raphael was at the peak of
His career. Raphael was in a quest to show that he was better than Michael Angelo.
He convinced the pope to give Michael Angelo the task to do paintings on the
chapel, to prove that Michael Angelo was not the best artist. The pope summoned Michael
Angelo with a task to create a tomb for Him but when he got there He also
decided to test His ability by commissioning him to paint the 12 disciples on the
ceiling. Michael was committed and did not just back down, he was in competition
with Himself to be the best he could be and set to work for three whole years. He
did not just paint what He had
been assigned to but ended up painting 300 larger than life murals; the Downfall of Man and the Promise of Salvation through the prophets and
Genealogy of Christ, nine episodes from the Book of Genesis, divided into
three groups: God's Creation of the Earth; God's Creation of Humankind and
their fall from God's grace; and lastly, the state of Humanity as represented
by Noah and his family. He even moved from the ceiling to the pendentives
supporting the ceiling and painted twelve men and women who prophesied the
coming of the Jesus.
He was a person with an excellent spirit,
He was the best and achieved the best by setting Himself the goal to achieve
His best, but he did not just dream of what could have been. He got to work and
created a work that made him a genius. To others he is a genius but to himself
just a hard worker.
In your pursuit For excellence; Just Do
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