Thursday, 26 January 2012

The language Of God

Language is a form of communication and system common to the people of a community.

Gen 11:1-9
This is the story of the Tower of Babel. The people were building a tower that they wanted to reach heaven. They spoke the same language and understood each other perfectly meaning that they were working together towards their goal. God knew that provided that they had an understanding of each other nothing could stop them and so He changed their language. They did not lose their zeal towards their goal but they lost their language and the ability to understand each other and so they had to go their separate ways.

Identity is always lost in loss of language;if  you claim to be an English man but you cannot speak English, even though you may have been born English you lose your sense of belonging when you don't understand the language or systems of England.

We as man were made to belong to God(of His kingdom), to have an identity in God and so a person of God understands His language and systems. But since the beginning, man started losing their identity when they chose to start following systems that were not of God.
These days people hardly speak the language of  God but speak and conform to the language of this world and the same way God was committed to breaking the language the people of Babel were speaking, He is still committed to breaking the foreign languages we have adopted.

His commitment follows through when He sends messages to the world to keep us on track, when He sent His son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from the ways of the world and when He left the Holy spirit for us.
Luke 17:20-21
Romans 10:19
 We regain our identity in the kingdom of God when we allow Jesus to be born in us by accepting Him as our lord and saviour and also allowing the Holy spirit to live in us( John 20:22)

After we have accepted Jesus and received the Holy spirit that He left unto us, we are now saved to be representatives of His Kingdom, however we have to be able to change our language to His that we may fully represent this kingdom.
Luke 24:49- The disciples where compelled to wait for the Language of the spirit of God before they could go out and represent the kingdom of God, and then on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) their language changed.
With a change of language comes a reception of Power(Acts 1:7-12), because you now understand and operate under the system of the kingdom you are able to make things happen. In ordinary terms, if you become a citizen of the UK, but cannot speak English or don't understand the systems of England, you cant really make things happen without getting help.
After Peter and the disciples changed their  language, they could boldly go out and proclaim that Jesus is Lord(Acts 4:18-31).

It is very important that we know the Language of God so we can exercise our rights and power as citizens of His Kingdom. Even though there is room for speaking in tongues, in this case the Language of God has a lot to do with His word. Evidence of being of His Kingdom is the boldness to declare the word of God.

We have adopted too many languages we lost the Language of where we actually come from... The kingdom of God.

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